These happy festival goers were thrilled, after they tasted some of the wines at Hudson-Chatham Winery stand at the Goold's Apple Festival 2010 at Goold's Orchards in Castleton, NY.
Now, our wine will not make your hair turn green. That particular goer was green with envy after all his cohorts were served before he was. After the tasting the wine his hair went back to its natural color. But guaranteed, they had a good time! And so did we!

Here's the booth before the mayhem on Saturday and Sunday, when droves of folks came through and sampled the wines! The Apple Festival is always a good time!

Here's Laura pouring during the mayhem.
We had a lot of fun. Thanks to Ed and Sue Miller, and Karen of Brookview WInery at Goold's Orchards, who set the whole thing up.! Thanks! And thanks to all those who came by, tasted, and bought!